Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Long time no update!!

My baby is now 28wks old in the womb and she's about 1kg! Unfortunately I'm much heavier than that.

Nevertheless, she's going to be called Angel for sure. Cos everybody's calling her that already. hahah!!!

IF my dear friends wanna get any gifts for Baby Angel or me, you can try out this website: http://glynnisbaby.com/ or this: www.charlottesgalleria.blogspot.com

Nice stuff there!! wahaha....

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


A friend asked me to post up a wishlist on my blog. So i'm just gonna be a good girl and listen to her! Haha..

1) Car Seat (for 0 - 12 mths or over).

2) NUK Bottle sterilizer ($100+ from Kiddy Palace at TPY, offer includes some milks bottles. UP: $165) - BOUGHT!

3) Drawers with wheels (Toyogo type)

4) NUK milk bottles (got to find out how many and what capacity bottles are needed.)

5) Baby Sling (DONE DEAL! Bought an MIM sling for $12!)

6) Bibs

7) Playmat

8) Cot Mobile (for baby to play with!)

9) Baby bath tub with support

So far that's all. The rest are toys and stuff. I've lots of it at my mum's place already because of my niece and nephews.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Angels are God's messengers!

HAve I mentioned the news here??!!!

Its a baby GIRL!!! We are possibly going to name it Angel Tay Yi Han 郑懿涵.

She's going to be the angel in our 1st year of marriage! Haha...


1) Infant to toddler to child CAR SEAT.

2) NUK Bottle sterilizer (Selling for $100+ at Kiddy Palace, TPY Branch. Offer includes some milk bottles.)

So far for now! I know the items are heavy ones. But essential! Wahaha....

Do consider!!!

Have a great day!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Baby at 16weeks!!

ITs one active baby!!! Not so obvious on the video. But this third time the scan is done, baby is still actively kicking and bumping around in my womb!


Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Names for Baby Girl

Nope. I still do not know what gender is baby yet. I hope........................

Anyway, I've thought of two names if its a baby girl.

1) 郑瑜熙 - 瑜:beautiful jade; 熙:pure and prosperous

2) 郑懿涵 - 懿:美好(多指德行,指有关女子的); 涵:包容、包含

Any comments?

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Baby at week 12!!!

Hi All,

Here's an update. Sorry that the video is not very well taken. But you still can see baby give a big KICK!

CRL: 57mm
Weeks: 12 weeks 2 days
EDD: 19/10/09

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Names for baby??

If it is a boy, I would like to name him Everest Tay Yi Ren. Chinese: 郑义仁

If it is a girl, I would like to name her Sapphire Tay. Haven't thought of a chinese name yet.

Any suggestions?