Friday, May 23, 2008

Our Wedding Booklet

Well, its been a long time since we last wrote on this blog!

I was just thinking about our wedding booklet, what should we put in it?
What can I write to let it be a best selling, 4 million copies sold round the world kind of book?
A walk to remember
I think the chapters of the book would be something like this:-
1. Introduction
2. Thank yous
3. The beginning of an adventure
4. Holding of hands
5. Sailing through the storms
6. Vacation is good.
7. Back to the mundane life.
8. The proposal
9. The marriage
10. Life after registering...
11. The marriage Idea.
12. The present.

After which, we would add helpful tips like.
1. The perils of buying a house
2. Hunting for the right tree to make your furniture
3. Banquety Banquet
4. Spice up your itinerary.
5. Making the FOTW (fellowship of the wedding)

Ah, sounds so good, but... hmm! I need to work on it!


Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Make-up Artist!

Heh hey! We just got our make up artist! Our team of wedding professionals are nearly complete...

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Finally, we've settled with a bridal boutique!

We've finally settled with a bridal boutique shop!

Chim culture at Orchard Plaza.
We like their designs and we feel that we can work with Chim.

1 tip to get gowns. You might want to ask your siblings or friends who had bought gowns to see if they would sell you / give you their gowns. If you can fit into their gown, you can get a designer to touch up and add some new laces / beading to make it look fresh and even more stylish!

Also, you might want to think of using shawls or scarfs if you want to spice up your evening gown attire.

Now to finalise our make up artist and our wedding booklet + door gift!

stay tuned for more updates!