Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Baby at week 10!!!

Baby is now 36mm at 10wk 3 days! see the hands and the legs moving? SO CUTE!!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Baby Photo...

Lemme show you my baby's photos. There are two of them so far... :D

1st visit to gyne
This is picture taken during first visit to gyne. It showed the size of the gestational sac. Fetus is still too small to be seen, though a white patch may be observed after some searching. The sac is 6.7mm at this time. Estimated no. of weeks: 6wks. Estimated Date Due (EDD): 14 Oct 2009 (which happened to be my ROM date!).

2nd visit to gyne
Now, the gestational sac has grown much bigger and fetus maybe observed (the white patch between the two crosses). Fetus measures at 8.5mm. Estimated no. of weeks: 7wks. EDD: 21 Oct 2009

More to come... stay tuned!!!