Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Names for Baby Girl

Nope. I still do not know what gender is baby yet. I hope........................

Anyway, I've thought of two names if its a baby girl.

1) 郑瑜熙 - 瑜:beautiful jade; 熙:pure and prosperous

2) 郑懿涵 - 懿:美好(多指德行,指有关女子的); 涵:包容、包含

Any comments?

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Baby at week 12!!!

Hi All,

Here's an update. Sorry that the video is not very well taken. But you still can see baby give a big KICK!

CRL: 57mm
Weeks: 12 weeks 2 days
EDD: 19/10/09

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Names for baby??

If it is a boy, I would like to name him Everest Tay Yi Ren. Chinese: 郑义仁

If it is a girl, I would like to name her Sapphire Tay. Haven't thought of a chinese name yet.

Any suggestions?