Thursday, February 28, 2008

By Chance...

Yeah... It was all by chance.

We were walking along the aisle of the first floor in Delfi (Orchard). Lo and behold, we stepped into this shop with some wedding gowns.

The lady (whom we found out was the boss), looked up and smiled.

Kun: Hi, do you do wedding gowns etc?
(Actually I was thinking that it was a FUNNY question to ask.)

Lady: Yes. All the gowns displayed are WEDDING GOWNS.
(Haha... The gowns were actually right in front of us. Pretty obviously wedding gowns.)

Kun: Oh, I see.

Lady: Feel free to look around.

Both of us: Thank you.

After some time of looking around (there weren't many gowns to look at in the first place), the lady came to talk to us. She showed us some pretty gowns as well as night gowns (apparently specially designed and wore by celebrities in Singapore).

Well, I must say that some of the wedding gowns were really beautifully designed. The laces and beads and crystals were all intricately sewn on.

Then she continued to tell us what they do.

It was a very interesting encounter as her concept of wedding gowns and plans and packages etc., are very similar to our own business concept.


And for the both of us, that's what we liked.

By now, you must have guessed that their prices must be really high. YOU ARE RIGHT! But if you have the money, I'm sure their services are worth the price.

For the time being, I'll not reveal which shop this is. I'll reveal it when we have confirmed their service.


Henry said...

Really excited for you guys! I'm sure the wedding will be fantastic... looking forward to it! =)

Sarah Loke said...

Thanks! Do check out this blog often!! :D