Friday, March 21, 2008

Meeting more people!

It's the Easter Weekend!

We went to meet up with Huiying's niece and her husband today. They kindly let us have a look at their house!

Very intelligent concept. Theres this part of the house where there was a glass wall facing the TV area. They later explain that that room would be the Nursery and the glass wall would make taking care of their future baby easier.

Talk about a custom designed house!

Another thing special about their house was their lighting. They had chandelier on top of their dining table. They also had a custom made dining table which had a really cool glass table top! One of those with designs.

Its such a good feeling to own your own house. I don't know how express it, but its really a great feeling.

These few days, alot has been going through my head. Some people say, marriage is just a paper. I really think they missed the point.

To me, marriage is really like a whole new kind of life. Where a man really grows up to become a husband, a father figure. A time of promotion!

I always looked up to my father, Mr Tay Thye Sun. He a great man, great husband, great father. Now its my turn, seems like a really BIG responsibility.

My father is humorous man. Rather, he is a man of great courage, strength, integrity, creativity, love, wisdom, character, brains, you name it, he has it.

And to think, marriage has started me on this journey of becoming a man like that. I have a lot to learn.

Huiying has been a great help these few weeks as I constantly try to study hard / work hard. Many times her words of wisdom really helped me to pull myself through and to continue to move on.

I guess if you look at marriage from only a man's point of view its going to be unbalanced and impossible.

Putting a woman in the picture kind of balances things out. E.g. When I'm overwhelmed by circumstances and feel all hope is lost, Huiying would come and give me a strong and good kick in the butt *figuratively* and I would be "Oh, why was I acting like that? This sounds doable!"

Sometimes she needs my guts. Sometimes I need her love. Sometimes she needs my smile. Sometimes we need each other.

We've been doing the budget together, its been great.

"A tip for couples, for financial issues, please treat it professionally, talk it out, discuss and learn about each other. It's a great time to find out about each other. Don't waste the opportunity quarreling over money." Uncle Kun's Tip of the Day

Anyway, its late, I'm tired, but I'm happy. Its Easter Weekend, thanks to Jesus, I can do all things.

Uncle Kun

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