Thursday, April 24, 2008

Pocket full of Posies! B2-42 Vivo City

Well, me and Huiying were just thinking of chilling out together as it was a long time since we had spent quality time together. We decided to do some window shopping at vivo city!

It was fun, walking around, commenting on people, clothes, shops... There was this particular shop that we kept bumping into. It had a weird name, and both me and Huiying had difficulty pronouncing it. We also came across this really cute baby, my gosh! Cute!

So to conclude our "quality time" we went to this place called Pocket Full of Posies (interesting name for a cafe) it had many flowers all around, and they call themselves the green house cafe! The food was good, the desert, was power (but too bad we finished it even before videoing it). It was a brownie, a huge brownie, chocolate to the maximum i tell you! If you ever go there, please ask them to heat up 1 for you! good stuff!

anyway let the video do the talking... enjoy!

With that aside, I really think filling up each others' "Love Tank" is very important. I still remember the other time when I wasn't sensitive and didn't fill up her "love tank", it was alot of quarrels after quarrels.

"Love Tank" could equate to ways of loving your wife, giving her gifts, spending quality time with her, serve her by driving her around, giving her hugs or just saying "you're the best, I love you!".

Maybe I guess most importantly for a girl is to know that she's the most important girl in her husband's life.

Ahh, anyway, we're finalising our door gifts, thinking of ideas for our renovation, almost chose a bridal boutique!

Thank God :)

Oh yah, there's a 2nd part to the video.. here it is!

Here's a review of the place we went Pocket full of Posies! B2-42 Vivo City review <-- good place to go for guys to think of new places to bring your gals out.. hehe

Another good place to get ideas for new places to go is all the best in filling up your sweetheart's love tank!


Monday, April 21, 2008


we have created a button for anyone to donate to our wedding fund!

A place to call our own...

Finally, we got a place to call our own...

Recently been going through alot of rough patches, people don't really understand what we are doing and questioning us. We on the other hand are too busy and occupied on what is going on that we don't really give a good answer.

Which results in alot of frustration. Anyway, many good things are happening in our life right now, things are falling into place, finally after such a long time of struggles.

We've been crying out to God for a breakthrough in our marriage, finance and our lives and things are finally looking brighter. I guess marriage prep isn't as easy as 1 2 3.
Especially when you're working, studying at the same time.

Anyways, we hope to communicate better with everyone... till the next time.


Home Sweet Home

We just got the keys to our new house. Actually the house is not exactly new. But its our FIRST home... So just call it "new"...

Its at Blk 121 Potong Pasir Ave 1 #11-279 Singapore 350121.

We'll probably put up some photos soon. Then all of you can see the "before and After" appearance of the house.

I won't say that i'm not excited. Its just that there are some other things which may cause barriers to the next step after getting the house.

I really think that even if the in-built cabinets are still in good condition and is just enough for use for two people, the house should be renovated at least to something that is pleasing to my eyes. After all, I'm the one staying in the house (other than KM). The cabinets and sinks etc., that are still in pretty good condition, are not exactly pleasing to my eyes. They look just like anybody else's house. It's not me at all. It's "other people". (If you get what I mean.)

Anyway, I'm just going to go ahead and renovate the place the way I like it no matter what objections there may be.

And to all my friends who's reading this:
You can give me or KM a call anytime if you want to come and take a look at the house. Comments and suggestions are welcome, but they may not be accepted. :D

Thank you!!!

By the way, if any of you are looking for cheap advertising space, do consider our wedding booklet. We can discuss the cost. Our crowd is only about 500 people. But if you are interested to advertise about your business products or services, this may be a good chance. We have friends and relatives who are doing business and they may need your stuff!

So do think about it and email us at or

Have a great week ahead!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

That's right, its wedding FUNdraising

I guess we want to enjoy our wedding process so... We should start our FUNdraising real soon!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Wedding FUNdraising


We are now in the process of raising FUNds for our wedding.

To: Anybody who wants to give a birthday surprise to your friends or loved ones

Kunming and I are in the business of singing birthday songs coupled with nice designers' birthday cards.

We'll be putting up the different birthday cards designs soon.

So, do call us up if you want to do something special for your love ones.

Service provided:
1) Singing birthday song live Price: $50
2) Simple song recording (acoustic - guitar/keyboard - accompaniment provided for you) Price: $50
3) Designer's birthday cards (with personalized messages) Price: $6 onwards

So far these are the services. Charges are really low, cos its for FUNd raising.
Do call us at 97324091 or 92398657 for more details!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Food again!

Well, we had a great dinner at this Japanese Restaurant called Iroha 168 Okonomiyaki house at Orchard hotel.

Tepanyaki + Japanese pizza (okonomiyaki) from Osaka.

check it out!

Well just another side track, we have confirmed our photographer, about to confirm our gowns. Post it up once everything is confirmed!


Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Tired of choosing gowns..

i'll just wear jeans and t-shirt on that day haha. what's this about stupid gowns. so frustrating... :) Oh well, not easy to find 1 that fits your budget and something that you like...

gown blues..

Thursday, April 3, 2008


I guess there's so many things happening in our minds right now...

We're going to our new house later, going see if there's any furniture we can take from the previous owner.

Our service providers are confirmed, photographer, videographer, bridal boutique. Huiying's going to look stunning! Well, I would look cool too.

Now we just have to confirm the day's itinerary.

We're rethinking our booklet project, costs too much. I believe there would be a way around the cost. Somehow...

Time to get creative...


Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Bridal Bouqtiue...

Well, after going through a few bridal boutiques, we have almost arrived at a conclusion...