Monday, April 21, 2008

Home Sweet Home

We just got the keys to our new house. Actually the house is not exactly new. But its our FIRST home... So just call it "new"...

Its at Blk 121 Potong Pasir Ave 1 #11-279 Singapore 350121.

We'll probably put up some photos soon. Then all of you can see the "before and After" appearance of the house.

I won't say that i'm not excited. Its just that there are some other things which may cause barriers to the next step after getting the house.

I really think that even if the in-built cabinets are still in good condition and is just enough for use for two people, the house should be renovated at least to something that is pleasing to my eyes. After all, I'm the one staying in the house (other than KM). The cabinets and sinks etc., that are still in pretty good condition, are not exactly pleasing to my eyes. They look just like anybody else's house. It's not me at all. It's "other people". (If you get what I mean.)

Anyway, I'm just going to go ahead and renovate the place the way I like it no matter what objections there may be.

And to all my friends who's reading this:
You can give me or KM a call anytime if you want to come and take a look at the house. Comments and suggestions are welcome, but they may not be accepted. :D

Thank you!!!

By the way, if any of you are looking for cheap advertising space, do consider our wedding booklet. We can discuss the cost. Our crowd is only about 500 people. But if you are interested to advertise about your business products or services, this may be a good chance. We have friends and relatives who are doing business and they may need your stuff!

So do think about it and email us at or

Have a great week ahead!

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