Thursday, April 3, 2008


I guess there's so many things happening in our minds right now...

We're going to our new house later, going see if there's any furniture we can take from the previous owner.

Our service providers are confirmed, photographer, videographer, bridal boutique. Huiying's going to look stunning! Well, I would look cool too.

Now we just have to confirm the day's itinerary.

We're rethinking our booklet project, costs too much. I believe there would be a way around the cost. Somehow...

Time to get creative...



Unknown said...

Hey, was just counting down to your wedding, it's just like 6 months away, phew..... like I told you guys last time, really enjoy the process cos you will sure miss it when it is all over, heh, cos I am missing those days when my hubby and I were preparing for ours. I can't wait to see the shuai-ge and chio-bu on the actual day!Judy

Kunming said...

haha.. yah. that's why we are trying to keep track of it...

Sarah Loke said...

i hope i'll enjoy the process.